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Botanical Name: Jasminum fluminense

Jasminum fluminense

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: None

Photo Description: None

Family: Oleaceae
Common Name: ***
Etymology - Genus: Latinized form of Persian name
Etymology - Species: Of or from Flumen Januarii (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Ecosystem: Evergreen
Origin: Foreign
Location: Garden plant
Description: This is a garden plant, grows into thick, woody liana. Stem after years of growth appears creamy white in colour covered with loose flakes. Young branches are smooth, glabrous.Trifoliate, sub-opposite leaves arranged spirally along the stem.Three leaflets are almost of equal size. Stalk of leaflet is grooved.Polychasial inflorescence with presence of linear bract.White flowers blossom in the evening and fade by morning. Characteristic very pleasant fragrance.Minute pointed calyx. Petals fused into a narrow tube with 7-9 linear, white petals spreading in star shape. Two stamens are completely covered in the petal tube. Stigma slightly protrudes out of the tube.Fruits are rarely observed. Branch cutting generally survives.

Contact - Mandar Joshi, 0091-9637527026, mandarsj11@gmail.com
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